Mid-Autumn Festival
18 Aug - 11 Sept
Paradigm JB
Mid-Autumn Festival is all about bringing family and friends together during this special occasion. 🌕
To make your festivities even more memorable, we have prepared exciting activities specially just for you and your family at Paradigm Mall JB❣️
Don't forget to head over to our lantern exhibition area located at the Ground Floor and join the "Guess the Lantern Riddle" contest for a chance to win RM50 cash vouchers!
Share this around and start planning your next visit to Paradigm Mall JB now!
Download WCT Buddy: www.wct.com.my/wctbuddy or stay tuned to our Paradigm Mall JB Facebook page to get the latest promo & newest info!
中秋将至,又到了花好月圆人团圆的时节,Paradigm Mall JB 再次为大家谋福利!🌕
由即日起,各种活动精彩纷呈的中秋活动,月饼销售摊位,精彩节目演出、和中秋造型打卡景点!都在呼唤着你!特别值得一提,只要动动脑筋猜灯谜,就能赢取各大商家价值RM50 现金礼卷,先到先得!赶紧来挑战吧!
这个周末带上家人一起到 Paradigm Mall JB 共庆这欢乐的佳节!约定你咯!😍
下载 WCT Buddy: www.wct.com.my/wctbuddy 或留守我们的官方面子书专页,以获取更多第一手消息!
#ParadigmMallJB #MidAutumnFestival #Mooncakes #中秋节 #月饼